Hello Spring

Let’s Make this Spring a Time of Renewal!
Spring is a great time for a “fresh start” and a wonderful time to reinvent yourself! As you put the winter layers away, you can shed the feeling of hibernation and solace that often come with winter. Spring is a fantastic time for optimism, a sense of renewal, and an upbeat “alternate perspective.”
Remember to celebrate
Spring is a wonderful time to celebrate. Things are blooming, the air is fresh, and we just feel good! When we skip a celebration, we are telling ourselves that we haven’t done enough to be proud of ourselves. When we celebrate, we reinforce what we have accomplished and set new goals for additional achievements. Like the bud that blooms to become the flower in Spring, celebrations become the sunlight and water that support growth. When you celebrate, you expand more of what you want in your life.
Make Spring resolutions
Spring is a natural time to make resolutions. Winter break is over and students and staff are back in the swing of Job Corps life. Your Spring resolutions might involve apologizing to someone whom you may have been rude to, saying a cheery hello to everyone you meet, reaching out to make sure all students on the Center feel really listened to and understood, or providing help and support to new staff or students who may be overwhelmed. Spring resolutions can involve personal goals as well. It could be you make a commitment to exercise at least three times a week, support or change one thing in your eating pattern that provides a healthy alternative. Perhaps it is putting your cell phone down to enjoy an evening with your partner, children, friends, or pets. Spring is a great time to leverage the energy of the season to create new goals and commit to them.
Try something new
Use this Spring to open yourself up to new experiences. Consider volunteering with the New Orleans Outreach staff to support an outreach event, or giving a class as a part of Evening Studies. Offer to help out a fellow staff member or student with something you know would be greatly appreciated. Outside of work, you could enroll in a meditation, yoga, or dance class. You could invest in learning a musical instrument you always wanted to play. Trying something new is an energy boost and exciting!
Spring clean your mind
Most importantly, if you are negative about your work or life, it is a great time to spring clean your mind. You can practice mindfulness and meditation to build self-awareness. Acknowledge your negative thinking and replace negative thoughts with more realistic, positive ones. Practice acceptance rather than trying to avoid or deny negative thoughts. Track your thoughts via a diary or journal so you can identify patterns and treat yourself as you would a loved one or a dear friend. Give yourself the same positive advice.
Let’s make Spring 2024 a time of renewal! I wish you joy, peace, and fulfillment. Please know you are appreciated and make it your goal to renew yourself this Spring!
Adapted for Job Corps from the following resources:
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